Doula Services

Doula Services.

Hiring a doula means you will always have someone by your side throughout your pregnancy and postnatal journey. Having continuous support, reassurance and guidance will assist you in feeling empowered and confident going into motherhood. These are my services I provide however I can tailor them to your family’s needs.

Intro Package

1 x prenatal discussion including topics on helpful labour positions, how to reduce fears about birth, practical tips to use in labour, understanding of interventions and addressing queries you may have.
1 x post-natal visit after baby is born to help settle, light house work, feeding support and encouragement.
$490.00/$340.00 online option
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Standard Package

1 x prenatal discussion including topics on helpful labour positions, how to reduce fears about birth, practical tips to use in labour, understanding of interventions and addressing queries you may have.
2 x post-natal visit after baby is born to help settle, light house work, bring a meal and lactation cookies. First session is dedicated to debriefing the birth experience.
Free copy of 17 x affirmation cards from Best Birth Co
Free copy of Birth with Confidence Rhea Dempsey
Additional phone and email support.
* If you would prefer to swap a prenatal for a postnatal session. Additional sessions can be purchased please contact me.
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Premium package

3 x prenatal discussion including topics on helpful labour positions, how to reduce fears about birth, practical tips to use in labour, writing your birth wishes plan, understanding of interventions and addressing queries you may have.
1 x attend midwife/doctor appointment.
2 x post-natal visits after baby is born to help settle, feeding support, light house work, bring a meal and lactation cookies. First session is dedicated to debriefing the birth experience.
Attend the birth from established labour until after baby is born.
On call 2 weeks either side of your estimated due date
Copy of 17 x affirmation cards from Best Birth Co
Binder of resources to help you with your birthing experience
Copy of Birth of Confidence Rhea Dempsey
Access to library and birth resources
Additional phone and email support.
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Postnatal Package

5 x 2 hours each session includes:
Help settle baby
Light house work duties (folding clothes & doing dishes)
Includes a main meal and side dish
Feeding support and encouragement
Keeping you company and looking after baby while you sleep/rest
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