HypnoBirthing Classes & Info Sessions
HypnoBirthing Information Night - 2nd Wednesday of Every Month
Information night walking through the benefits of HypnoBirthing
Hypno Birthing Group Session -Tuesday Nights (Group Class)
• 5 week course for 2.5 hours each session face to face only. The Marie Mongan Method which is the original and the best method. The course goes into the mind, body connection with labour and how to get yourself into hypnosis during labour to create a calm, safe environment to allow yourself to birth. This is done in a group at my house in Concord.
HypnoBirthing International Course Only (Private Class)
• 5 week course for 2.5 hours each session face to face only. The Marie Mongan Method which is the original and the best method. The course goes into the mind, body connection with labour and how to get yourself into hypnosis during labour to create a calm, safe environment to allow yourself to birth. This is done in the comfort of your own home.
Doula Only Service Package
• 3 x prenatal Basic birth knowledge sessions which cover labour techniques like Spinning Babies with a Robozo (traditional Mexican scarf), fear release activities with birth companion, practice labour positions and information on the cascade of intervention and current hospital statics.
• 38- 42 weeks I'm on call 24/7 in case you go into labour (4-weeks approx)
• I'm at your birth as your support person until your baby is born and you are comfortable settled into your room.
• 2 postpartum visits in your home where we debrief the birth, I help you with anything really (holding baby, washing dishes etc)
Combined Doula / HypnoBirthing Course (Private Class)
1. Doula Service
• 3 x prenatal Basic birth knowledge sessions which cover labour techniques like Spinning Babies with a Robozo (traditional Mexican scarf), fear release activities with birth companion, practice labour positions and information on the cascade of intervention and current hospital statics.
• 38- 42 weeks I'm on call 24/7 in case you go into labour (4 weeks approx)
• I'm at your birth as your support person until your baby is born and you are comfortable settled into your room.
• 2 postpartum visits in your home where we debrief the birth, I help you with anything really (holding baby, washing dishes etc)
2. HypnoBirthing International Course (Private Class)
• 5 week course for 2.5 hours each session face to face only. The Marie Mongan Method which is the original and the best method. The course goes into the mind, body connection with labour and how to get yourself into hypnosis during labour to create a calm, safe environment to allow yourself to birth. This is done in the comfort of your own home.